School Regulations

Student Dormitory residents are required to obey the commonly abiding law and internal regulations of the University, including the Statute, School Regulations and Dormitory Regulations for Students in the English Language Programs at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS). Ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone from breaking any regulations.

Every Resident of the Student Dormitory is required to respect the rights of other Residents of the Student Dormitory.


Resident is a student enrolled in the university or other person who is legally entitled to live in the dormitory and is required to pay fees for a place in the Student Dormitory. Residents are obligated to attend floor meetings relating to dormitory issues that are held by R.A.s (absent residents must have a meeting with an R.A. to go over all topics covered).

Residential Advisor (R.A.) is a registered member of the student population at the University who is also a resident in one of the University dormitories. Residential Advisors (R.A.s) are also University representatives. The R.A.s are expected to abide by the all rules and regulations pertaining to their status as a dormitory resident. In addition, they must also follow all rules and regulations set forth by the R.A. system. The R.A. Regulations and R.A. Director Regulations are defined by the Dean of Center for Medical Education in English. The R.A.s and the R.A. Director can be offered a dormitory fee discount, in an amount determined by the University.

Resident CouncilRada Mieszkańców, is the representative body of the dormitory residents, and also as an organ of the University Representative Council a co-host of dormitory. The dormitory residents are required to cooperate with the Resident Council, follow and respect its regulations, and abide by its decisions. All residents have both the passive and active right to elect the Resident Council. The members of the Resident Council are obligated to intervene in all cases where the regulations are being infringed upon.


Dormitory environment and observance of the quiet hours

1) The dormitory is an integral part of the University. It is a place where residing students—officially installed in the dormitory system—and other persons may live, study and rest. The dormitory is the property of the University and therefore residents have the right to use it only in accordance with the rules established by the University.

Sleeping and studying are considered to be the highest priority among all dormitory activities. All other activities that conflict with sleeping and studying, e.g., having parties or social gatherings, or other boisterous activities, shall be regarded as low priority. In such cases residents are advised to take appropriate actions as defined in item 56 b).

2) Dormitory quiet hours are in effect from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am Sunday through Thursday and from 12:00 am to 6:00 am on Fridays and Saturdays.

Vacuuming, playing loud music, loud talking in hallways, and other types of disturbances are forbidden during these hours. Doing laundry during quiet hours is permitted provided that residents respect their fellow residents and conduct themselves quietly. All persons present in the dormitory are required to abide by the quiet hours regulations.

3) Dormitory residents may make special requests to R.A.s, such as the need for introducing prolonged curfews (lights-out) in the dormitory on the eve of an important exam. Only applications sent to an email address at least 7 days prior to the date of the examination will be taken into account. The consent to introduce prolonged curfews is given by the R.A. Director in agreement with the administration of respective dormitory. Out of respect for fellow students, dormitory residents, after introducing quiet hours upon such requests, are expected to comply by maintaining an environment that promotes studying and sleeping. Non-compliance will be considered as an infraction to dormitory the quiet hours regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.

4) All residents are responsible for helping to maintain a clean dormitory environment. Common areas, which include but are not limited to: kitchen, lounge, laundry room, and hallway areas, must be kept free and clear of personal items such as shoes, garbage, boxes, clothing racks etc. Under the contract that each dormitory resident has signed with the University, he/she is entitled to rent only the inside of his/her room. Therefore, common areas are not to be used for storage of personal items. The space outside each resident’s room door, including the hallway, is considered to be a common area and must be kept free and clear of all items at all times. Each resident is responsible for keeping the area in front of the room door free of items at all times. In case there is no storage room in a respective dormitory, students may store their personal belongings in the PUMS Central Storage located on the PUMS campus (The Storage Room Rules are available in the Central Storage Room office and on the University website). The University is not responsible for the possessions left in the Storage Room..

5) All residents are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their rooms and for reporting any damages to the dormitory administration. Vacuum cleaners, as well as a mop and a bucket, are available from the porter for cleaning purposes.

6) Common areas, such as the kitchen and the lounge, must be kept free and clear of dirty dishes, food, and other types of items. Tables, counters, and floors—if appropriate—must be cleaned after use so that they are left in acceptable condition for fellow residents. Kitchen garbage must be properly disposed of in the garbage receptacles located in all kitchen areas.

7) Garbage from residents’ rooms may not be disposed of in common area garbage receptacles but instead must be taken to the appropriate dormitory garbage disposal area. For example, in the Eskulap dormitory, garbage chutes are provided on every floor for garbage disposal. Garbage must be placed in these chutes. It is not acceptable to leave garbage on the floor by the garbage chute for the cleaning staff to deal with. In all other dormitories outdoor garbage bins are provided for use and garbage from residents’ rooms must be placed there.

8) Recycling bins are available in all dormitories for the recycling of glass, paper, plastic, and metal items. The use of the recycling bins is compulsory. Large and/or bulky items should be crushed to allow consolidation.

9) Residents may not remove from the common areas for their personal use any items such as chairs and tables, televisions, or anything else intended for community use in the common areas. Personal items left by the residents in the common areas shall be removed by the dormitory administration employees.

10) E-mails are the official means of communication between the University staff and students. Each student has an e-mail account on the University server. The student is responsible for the timely receipt of information sent by e-mail. The student is required to check his or her e-mail account and read e-mails at least twice a week. It is also
recommended to check the information board in the Student Dormitory, where information regarding the majority of residents will be posted. Communication with persons from outside the University takes place via the e-mail address provided upon check-in.


Entrance and access to the dormitory

11) The dormitory photo I.D. card is the proof that a resident has the right to stay in the dormitory. Residents are required to present their cards to the porter, dormitory administration, and the members of the Resident Council whenever asked to do so. The dormitory I.D. card is issued for one academic year only and hence residents are required to receive a new card from their respective dormitory administration office at the beginning of the new academic year. The porter may refuse entrance to the persons who fail to present their cards

12) No person may enter or leave dormitory buildings via balconies or windows except for an emergency.

13) Dormitory access keys provided by the administration are the full responsibility of the resident, except for situations when the keys are left in the porter’s room. Lost keys will be replaced at the expense of the resident with any additional charges to be covered by the resident, including but not limited to changing the lock to the resident’s room. Residents of all dormitories must leave their keys with the porter each time they leave the dormitory.


Dormitory visitors and guests

14) Residents are not permitted to have visitors in dormitory rooms after midnight.on weekdays. On Friday and Saturday this deadline is extended until 1AM.

In each dormitory, porters have the authority to refuse entry to all persons who are not residents of that dormitory.

Visitors: a dormitory resident is permitted to have visitors provided that the visitors(s) leave their identification documents with a photo (other than a national ID card, a military service book, a passport) in the porter’s office or other designated area, as well as observe these regulations both inside the dormitory or on dormitory property. Visitors must leave the dormitory upon commencement of quiet hours (after midnight on weekdays, and after 1AM on Fridays and Saturdays) or upon request by an R.A., the porter, or by security personnel. In case visitors do not leave by the time quiet hours start, the hosting residents are required to issue a pass for them and pay for their overnight stay to their subaccount. In case visitor(s) do not possess document(s) listed above, they are required to present their identification documents (a national ID card, a military service book, a passport) in the porter’s office or other designated area to Dormitory Administration employee(s) whose duty it is to record the data (first and last name of the guest, the identity card series and type, date and exact hour of entering and leaving the dormitory, first and last name of the hosting resident and his/ her room number) included in these documents. The purpose of keeping the log book is to ensure safety in the dormitory. The data recorded are not processed.

Visitors must leave the dormitory upon commencement of quiet hours or upon request by an R.A., the porter, or by security personnel.

Overnight guest stay: a dormitory resident can make an arrangement with the dormitory administration to have a guest stay overnight provided that the roommate(s) of the host, if applicable, agree to such overnight stays and the hosting resident purchases a pass for his/ her guest. A pass for the guest is valid for the maximum duration of 48 hours unless the Dormitory Administration agrees for a longer stay. A hosting resident can make an arrangement for the overnight stay of one guest at a time. In exceptional cases the head of PUMS Dormitory Administration may agree for a longer stay of a guest at the rate of a pass. A resident may purchase up to four passes for his/ her guests per month. In case a resident purchases more than four passes, he/ she will be charged a regular fee for non-PUMS students/ employees for the each extra pass. Dormitory resident must make this arrangement with dormitory administration prior to the guest’s visit. During the guest’s stay, the hosting resident is fully responsible for the conduct of that guest.

Unauthorized persons: visitors to the dormitory who have not registered with the porter are in violation of dormitory regulations and can be asked to leave the dormitory property by the R.A.s, porters, and security personnel.

If a visitor or a guest causes a disturbance or otherwise breaks the rules on dormitory premises, he/she will be asked to leave, or, if uncooperative, he/she will be removed from the dormitory. Please note that the R.A.s, porters, and the security staff all have the full authority to act in such circumstances.

15) The hosting resident is entirely responsible for his/her visitor’s or guest’s behavior. Visitors or guests visibly under the influence of alcohol, or who otherwise pose a threat to others’ safety and/or security, have no right of entry to the dormitory and will be asked to leave the dormitory area.


Use of dormitory facilities

16) Dormitory residents, as well as student organizations, have the right to use any rooms designated for common use. Priority is given first to dormitory residents and then to student organizations. Without the approval of the head of the PUMS Dormitory Administration, the rooms cannot be used for any purpose other than the purpose designated by the University. A log book where students can register for the use of the common areas in dormitories, such as study rooms, is available in the porter’s office.

17) The use of dormitory facilities is strictly for residents of that dormitory and their registered guests only.

18) The laundry facilities in a particular dormitory are intended for the use of the residents of that dormitory only. Unregistered guests or residents of other dormitories are forbidden from using such equipment.

19) Dormitory administration is not responsible for any personal belongings left in public spaces.



20) It is not allowed to organize parties in PUMS dormitories. According to par. VII of the School Regulations for English Programs’ Students alcohol is banned at all times and under all circumstances in the University dormitory.

21) Occasional meetings/ gatherings may be organized with the agreement of roommates and neighbors.


Safety and security

22) Dormitory residents and their guests are obligated to follow all fire, health, and safety regulations in the interest of both their own safety and the safety of other residents living in the dormitories. They are also obligated to use the fire and safety equipment, or electrical and other devices according to their intended purposes. It is strictly forbidden to use any appliances in an inappropriate way, i.e., that causes danger to the user, other residents, or to University property, or that in any way compromises general safety and/or security, including tampering with fire detectors. Blocking the fire department access roads outside the dorm—as well as the fire exits, stairwells, evacuation passages, and corridors inside the dorm—and smoking is also considered to be the breaking of fire safety rules. Residents are charged with the costs of fire service attendance in case of setting on the fire detectors due to smoking in dormitory room, lighting candles etc.

23) Dormitory residents are obligated to immediately inform the R.A.s and the administration about any accident or serious illness involving their roommates.

24) Residents may not throw any items off the dormitory balconies or out of the dormitory windows.

25) Residents may not possess or store dangerous or flammable substances on University property. Such substances will be removed by University personnel.

26) Smoking is forbidden in all dormitory buildings.

27) The following activities are forbidden in PUMS dormitories:

a) using gas and electric cookers, as well as washing machines at places other than designated;

b) using electric kettles without a thermal safety cut-out mechanism;

c) using hotplates and any devices used for cooking in residents’ rooms;

d) using refrigerators with power capacity exceeding 200 W;

e) using any kinds of heaters and air conditioners;

f) unauthorized installing, repairing, or altering of the electrical, water, and gas connections and equipment;

g) changing of locks or installing new ones, as well as making duplicate keys;

h) installing and using other appliances, and devices that pose a threat to human health or life;

i) using, possessing, selling, or distributing of intoxicants and illegal drugs,

j) gambling;

k) possessing any type of guns, especially firearms or pneumatic guns on dormitory property (including sports and collectors firearms);

l) running a business without the consent of the Resident Council, the head of the PUMS Dormitory Administration, and of the Director General;

m) storing in dormitory rooms and in common areas of any widely available commodities and goods whose purpose and quantity is suggestive of commercial purposes.

Residents faced with situations that may be health and life-threatening or otherwise pose a threat to dormitory safety and/or security should immediately notify University authorities onsite—R.A.s, porter, security staff—and/or the appropriate emergency services (the police, fire brigade, medical emergency service), if appropriate.

28) Keeping any pets—live animals of any kind—in a dormitory is strictly forbidden. Any student who keeps animals at the dormitory will be required to remove them immediately.

Upon finding evidence of any violations the University will take appropriate disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.

29) The Head of the PUMS Dormitory Administration, a University employee authorized by the head or the Residential Advisor have the right to:

a) enter the room only in the presence of its residents, unless the residents agree to entering in their absence; reporting a fault by a resident is tantamount to consenting to its removal also during his or her absence,

b) at least once a year, check the room/common areas in the segment in order to check the technical and sanitary condition, cleanliness and completeness of the equipment,

c) order the University employees or an external company to carry out an inspection, renovation or other service.

The date for the control referred to in item b) or the performance of the works referred to in item c) is set by the Head of the Student Dormitory and informs the residents about t at least two days in advance by announcing it on the information board and on the Facebook website dedicated to students living in the Student Dormitory. If the residents are absent on the given date, the inspection or works will be carried out in the absence of the residents.

30) Room inspection can be carried out immediately by at least two University employees in the following situations:

a) there is a suspicion of a threat to the life, health or safety of persons residing in the Student Dormitory,

b) there is a reasonable suspicion of a breach of the provisions of these Regulations,

c) there is or has been a failure requiring immediate repair.

Employees shall notify their supervisor in writing of the need to carry out an immediate

Dormitory accommodations

31) Eligible students are admitted to the dormitory through the online registration system depending on room availability. Each student interested in obtaining dormitory privileges must complete an online application. Upon acceptance, all necessary formal matters are handled by the dormitory administration staff in conjunction with the Dean’s office located on ul. Jackowskiego 41 in accordance with the following rules:

a) dormitory reservations for incoming students are based on online applications that should be submitted in the University admissions system by 31 July of a given academic year. The University guarantees accommodation in its dormitories to newly accepted students for one academic year only; students of higher years will be accommodated in case of vacancies, according to the applicable rules of granting accommodation in rooms;

b) dormitory assignments for incoming students are made according to the following criteria in the given order: 1) numbers of points achieved in the admissions process, 2) date of payment (the date the University bank account was credited with the payment is decisive) of the fees indicated in the acceptance letter within the deadline specified therein;

c) dormitory reservations for following years are administered by the online system by April 30th of every academic year. If a student fails to register for the next academic year by this deadline, the University will be unable to guarantee the room for the upcoming academic year and such a person must move out of dormitories by the end of July od a given year.

d) during the academic year, places in the Student Dormitory are assigned by the Head of the Student Dormitory. Information about free places in the Student Dormitories is available on the University website,

e) rules relating to dormitory accommodation of students with the status of leave of absence/ deferred students/ students who interrupted their studies are as follows:

– residents whose student status has been changed to leave of absence/ are deferred students/ who have interrupted their studies/ whose student status has been changed to half-time status etc. are required to notify the dormitory administration in writing about their student status change as well as about their plans to leave in the room just their personal belongings while they are away;

– for students leaving Poland the fee for keeping their belongings in the dormitory rooms amounts to half the price of dormitory fee, both in case of leaving their personal items in the dormitory or the University Storage Room in accordance with the provisions defined in the Storage Room Regulations for Residents of Dormitories at Poznan University of Medical Sciences;

If the administration is not informed about the leave, the student will pay the full tuition for the room.

f) students moving into dormitories are required to pay three monthly payments even if they do not physically stay in the dormitory for that period of time. The first sentence does not concern students who resign from staying in the assigned room in the dormitory within 14 days from moving into the dormitory the latest. In such a case the dormitory fee is calculated daily based on actual number of days spent in the room by a student which means from the day of receiving the key to the room until the day of resignation and returning the key. The above mentioned rule does not apply to newly accepted students who reserved a dormitory room just for one month while registering on-line for dormitory accommodation at PUMS.

32) At the beginning of each student’s dormitory residency, he/she may receive bedding and other items, such as a reading lamp, with the understanding that such equipment will be returned in satisfactory condition at the end of the dormitory residency. The resident is obligated to check the condition of the equipment upon receipt to ensure that it is in satisfactory condition and report missing items defects via e-mail to the e-mail address of the respective dormitory administration office so that they can be replenished, but no later than within 48 hours from moving into dormitory. The resident is financially responsible for the total or partial destruction of entrusted property, covering the cost of all damage caused. If the damages are caused during the resident’s stay, the cost of the above
mentioned damage will be charges in the computer system, in other cases, it will be covered by the deposit paid by the student before moving into student dormitory. If such damages exceed the security deposit, then the responsible resident will have the charges billed directly to the student account and will be notified of these charges by the dormitory administration by email.

33) A single resident may occupy a double room only with the approval of the Head of the Student Dormitory, and if he/she pays for two spots in that dormitory, and this arrangement is contingent on the availability of such rooms in the requested dormitory.

34) In the case of dormitory rooms shared by two persons, the practice whereby one of the residents moves out and leaves his/her name as registered with the dormitory administration, so that the room in question appears to be occupied by two persons, is strictly forbidden.

35) When one roommate has not appeared in the dormitory or moves out of a double room, the second roommate:

a) for the following month has the right to stay in the room and pay the same dormitory fees as up until now,

b) upon receiving a consent from dormitory administration may stay in the room and pay for two spots,

c) is required to move to another shared dormitory room indicated by dormitory administration within no longer than two weeks from the time of receiving a notice from the administration or accept a roommate designated by dormitory administration to be placed in the room. In case a resident does not agree on the solution defined in item c), he/ she loses the right to be accommodated in the room two weeks after the resident was notified by dormitory administration of the necessity to be placed in a double room / accept a roommate.

d) still retains the right to stay in the room and pay the same dormitory fees as up until now unless dormitory administration presents him/ her an option to place a roommate in the room or to be moved to another shared room.

36) Dormitory residents are obligated to pay for all additional financial commitments, e.g., phone bills resulting from the use of the telephone exchange, as well as for heating and water bills and laundry tokens. The process and the terms of payment are established by the dormitory administration. Failure to comply will result in deducting the outstanding charges from the resident’s dormitory deposit and in a possible expulsion from the dormitory.

37) Dormitory fees are announced at the University website. The monthly dormitory fees for newly accepted students are determined in the Attachment no. 1 to the student agreement with the University.

38) If a newly accepted student reserves a dormitory room (the choice of the dormitory is made by the University who has updated information regarding vacancies in particular dormitories), the student is required to pay a refundable deposit in the amount of 1500 PLN (one thousand five hundred PLN) to the University account. The amount is not the dormitory fee, but it is a safety deposit in case of potential damage done by the student or the dormitory fee arrears. The deposit is being settled after the student leaves the dormitory. A student who has reserved a place in a dormitory and will not move into the allocated room within 7 days from the date indicated in the e-mail correspondence, and does not inform the administration of the given Student Dormitory/Center For Medical Education in English, even by e-mail, about resignation from the allocated place or a delay, loses the right to the granted places and also loses the right to a refund of the deposit, however, in an amount which does not exceed the 3-month dormitory fee. The aforementioned rule does not apply to newly admitted students who, when registering for a place in the Student Dormitory, declared accommodation in the Student Dormitory for one month only. In this case, the student loses the right to a refund of the deposit in the  amount of a 1-month fee for a place in the Student Dormitory.

39) The deposit is payable in PLN by the deadline given the e-mail correspondence (applies to newly accepted students). Dormitory fee is paid to the designated bank account (individual sub-account) in PLN monthly and in advance by the 15th day of each month. Newly admitted student pay the dormitory fee for the first month of their stay in the Student Dormitory by the 15 th day of the month following their moving in. Students moving into dormitories (allocation of place in a room or a room) during an academic year are required to pay dormitory fees and security deposits by the 14th day of the month in which they started residing in dormitories.

40) The Erasmus students assigned to PUMS dormitories are required to put down the security deposit in the amount of one monthly rent in respective dormitory.

41) The student is required to inform the dormitory administration by email if the student leaves the room for the summer period (June, July, August and September), and give the date of leaving and returning before leaving for holidays but by the end of June of a given academic year at the latest, under pain of being charged full dormitory fee for the summer period, should the student fail to do so. If the student stays in the room for the summer period, the student is required to pay regular dormitory fee for every summer month, and if the student only leaves his/her belongings in the room, but does not reside in it, the fee is equal to half of the dormitory fee.

42) For PUMS M.D. and Pharm.D. students in their last year of study undergoing part of their coursework (e.g. elective rotations or six-month traineeship in a pharmacy) abroad the fee for keeping their belongings in the dormitory rooms amounts to half the price of dormitory fee. The students will be charged the standard dormitory fee for the time they were keeping their belongings in the dormitory rooms while away unless they provide dormitory administration with the official documents issued by the accepting institution and confirming the exact dates of the coursework completed abroad before going on electives/ traineeship.

43) The student who moves out of the dormitory during the academic year, and who had already paid the full dormitory fee, is entitled to a refund. The dormitory fee refunds are issued only for the full months and only to students who do not have any unpaid fees. The refunds are given after the move-out from the dormitory is completed.

44) A dormitory resident is not allowed to change rooms without the permission of dormitory administration.

45) Persons who are allocated a place (room) during the course of the academic year, pay the dormitory fee from the day they move into the Student Dormitory.

46) Any belongings or personal items left in a room by a departing resident after the deadline for the resident’s move-out will be used for the benefit of the dormitory or will be destroyed, provided that the departing resident had been notified and that 90 days have passed.

47) Under no circumstance is a resident to alter or repair anything that will change the aesthetics of his/her room. Any damages should be reported and the dormitory administration is responsible for fixing any damages in resident rooms. Residents will be held financially responsible for any damages and missing items or equipment in dormitory rooms. In case the identity of the person responsible for the damage(s) is not established, both room residents will be held financially responsible. The charges which include the worth of the missing equipment, or its repair, will be assessed and collected by the head of the PUMS Dormitory Administration in cooperation with the Resident Council and R.A.s.

Moving out of the dormitory

48) The resident who intends to vacate his/her dormitory room must provide the dormitory administration with a 14-day advance by e-mail to the e-mail address of the student dormitory. In cases where the resident fails to provide sufficient notice, then he/she pays the rent amount until the last day of the 14-day notice. The rule defined in this item also applies to the students in their last year of study. The additional confirmation from dormitory administration on the degree clearance slip required for the issuing of the diploma is available only after making all of the required payments by June 30th of a given year or by the estimated day of departure from the dormitory, not later than by July 31st of a given year.

49) When a resident moves out voluntarily or is evicted, he/she is obligated to return all of the bedding and equipment he/she had received during dormitory residency. The departing resident is also obligated to pay up any outstanding accounts and to leave the room in the same condition he/she had found it at the time of moving in. All room furniture must be returned to its original position. In case of leaving the room in a worse condition than the
one existing upon moving in, the resident will be charged a fee for restoring the room to its previous state. The amount of the fee is set by the University.


The loss of the right to stay in a dormitory

50) The right to stay in a dormitory will be taken away under the following conditions:

a) a resident has not appeared in the dormitory without providing sufficient reasons within 7 days of the start of the classes for his/ her program in a given academic year;

b) a resident has lived in the dormitory for more than two months but has failed to pay for it despite having received at least two written notifications from the University;

c) the administration withdraws permission for the resident to occupy a place in the dormitory;

d) gross infringement of dormitory rules and regulations;

e) a resident graduates from the University;

f) a resident is removed from the student list;

g) a resident is suspended in student rights.

The loss of dormitory privileges under Items (a) and (b) as well Items (e) – (g) as is automatic. Responsibility for enforcing this rule belongs to the head of the PUMS Dormitory Administration. Decisions pertaining to the loss of dormitory privileges described in Items (c) and (d) above, and to a possible extension of the period of time mentioned in Item (b) rest within the authority of the Vice President of Student and Didactic Affairs.

51) The resident who loses the right to stay in a dormitory must return all equipment and vacate the assigned room, leaving it in a satisfactory condition, within 7 days of having been notified, or eviction by the administration will take place. In the following cases students cannot apply for a spot in a dormitory: failure to pay all the fees and additional costs of staying in dormitory; buying, selling or acting as a go-between in dormitory room trading; gross infringement of dormitory rules and regulations; or assignment to a dormitory on the basis of false personal data or have lost their right to reside in the dormitory in the past for the reasons mentioned in section 50 item b, d and g.


Disciplinary action

52) The three-strike rule

With respect to the enforcement of dormitory rules and regulations, the following policy has been implemented.

1. Those residents who have committed a minor infraction of dormitory rules will initially be given a first offense warning, which will be registered but no further disciplinary action will be taken for the first incident,

2. For the second minor infraction of the rules the R.A. Director and/ or dormitory administration employee will issue a report to the Dean’s office for the in English language programs, based on the explanations offered by the offender, accounts of at least two witnesses, including an R.A. Then, the resident will receive an official notice of infringement of the PUMS dormitory rules which will be retained in the student’s file forever.

3. Further failures to comply with University rules and regulations obligates the Dean’s office to apply to the Vice-President for Student Affairs to file a reprimand and remove the student from dormitory.

4. The examples of minor infractions include: leaving items in the hallway outside room door (shoes, garbage, etc.); repeated noise-making or engaging in other activities which disturb others; failing to cooperate with the dormitory administration, R.A.s, porters, or security personnel; leaving common areas, such as the kitchen, in unsatisfactory condition for others to use etc. Please note that this is not an entire list.

The University retains discretion of passing an opinion on the type of infraction (minor vs. major infraction) taking into consideration a report from dormitory administration, R.A.s, statements from other residents and if necessary damages caused by the resident.

5. In case of major infractions actions described in Item 2 or 3 will be taken, or alternatively the case will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Commission.

53) These regulations must be followed by all students in the English language programs at PUMS, as well as foreign residents staying in the student dormitories, including the LLP Erasmus students, or similar.

54) Any cases which are not covered by these regulations are first addressed by the Residential Advisors; and if the issue in question escalates, forwarded to the Vice President of Student and Didactic Affairs.

55) All cases of breaching these regulations, or of violating the common basic principles of living in the dormitory social setting, will be first addressed by the R.A.s, then the dormitory administration, and further by the Dean’s office for the English language programs; and they will consequently be resolved by an appropriate disciplinary action.

A violation of any dormitory rules and regulations committed while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other intoxicating substances will be severely punished, and all such cases will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee.

56) The R.A.s act as mediators between dormitory residents and the University Administration. The dormitory residents are obligated to cooperate with the R.A.s, respect the dormitory regulations, and follow the R.A.s’ decisions.

57) The members of the R.A. team are obligated to intervene in all cases where the regulations are being violated.

58) The R.A.s along with the members of the dormitory administration are allowed to conduct unannounced, random room spot checks.


Missing Student Notification Policy

59) The University introduces a procedure related to the notification policy with respect to a missing student who is a resident of the student dormitory, according to which:

– A list that has been constructed of people and organizations whom students, employees, and other persons should contact upon the disappearance of a student after 24 hours have elapsed.

– The dormitory security and administrative personnel as well as the police must be immediately informed about a student’s disappearance.

– Each student may identify a contact person whom the Poznan University of Medical Sciences should notify within 24 hours from the time of learning about the student’s disappearance, provided that the student was determined missing by the dormitory security and administrative staff, and by the police.

– Students will be instructed that the contact information will be kept confidential, that it will be made available only to the authorized administrative personnel, and that it cannot be disclosed to anyone except for the law enforcement agencies involved in the search for the missing student.

– Students under 18 years of age will be instructed by the Poznan University of Medical Studies that the University will have to inform, besides the contact person selected by the student, also the student’s parent or legal guardian of the student’s disappearance within 24 hours from the time it was confirmed that he/she is missing.

– Students will be made responsible for keeping the dormitory administration informed of their absences from the dormitory that are longer than 24 hours.

The dormitory administration is the organization responsible for the notification process regarding any missing students who are registered dormitory residents.


Complaints and suggestions

60) In the cases where there is an issue of concern in the dormitory, the resident should alert the following authorities:

a) Residents faced with situations that may be health and life-threatening or otherwise pose a threat to dormitory safety and/or security should immediately notify University authorities onsite (administration, R.A.s, porter, security staff) — and/or the appropriate emergency services (the police, fire brigade, medical emergency service), if appropriate.

b) In the case of some non-threatening and non-violent situations or issues, like: roommate disputes; nuisance disturbances like parties, loud music or other noise-related matters; as well as in dealing with other less critical issues, we suggest that you try to resolve them peacefully at first by yourself. We suggest that you try to refrain from engaging the help of the R.A.s or any other administrative resources at a higher level. next, only if the matter could not be resolved by you, please involve the R.A.s or the dormitory staff as appropriate. We recommend that issues of lesser impact be handled initially by the dormitory resident.

c) If you cannot resolve the situation on your own, activate the R.A. system by contacting an R.A. in your dormitory. The R.A. will then take over the situation and try to address it.

d) The R.A. system will escalate the situation to the appropriate University authorities if necessary.

e) Complaints should be made in writing if possible so that there is a record of the complaint. Anonymous complaints are difficult to follow up on because the information concerning the incident cannot be properly collected from the complainant. Please rest assured that complaints will be treated as strictly confidential.

f) The R.A. system does not handle such matters as room assignments, room or equipment repairs, or dormitory payment issues. You may ask an R.A. for advice on these issues, but they are usually handled by the dormitory administration. In general, the Dean’s office and the dormitory administration are not to be contacted directly by dormitory residents for help with other types of problems except for emergency circumstances.

61) Dormitory residents have the right to make any suggestions or share ideas concerning dormitory operations or the functioning of the R.A. system. Such suggestions should be submitted to any R.A. and/or to any authorized member of the student organizations that are part of the English language programs at the University of Medical Sciences (English Programs’ Student Union—EPSU). Then, the R.A.s and/or the representatives of those student organizations will take proper steps to address residents’ ideas or concerns.

62) Any serious offenses, which include but are not limited to sexual assault, battery, racial discrimination, and financial disputes, will be subject to disciplinary action and in case the offense will meet the legal/statutory criteria of a crime respective enforcement authorities will be notified. Dormitory residents may initially ask an R.A. for assistance in contacting University administration, security personnel, and/or the police, but otherwise these matters lie outside of the scope of the R.A. responsibilities.

63) In the case of issues that cannot be resolved by the above regulations, we follow the Dormitory Regulations for the Poznan University of Medical Sciences.



We are very grateful to the PUMS students and staff who in concert with the dormitory management authorities have richly contributed to the content of this document. Please keep in mind that this is a document-in-progress and we welcome the ideas, comments, and suggestions from all concerned parties. We hope it will enable us to support our students in their dormitory life, their home away from home for the duration of their studies in Poznan. Please direct your comments to the e-mail address

The Student’s Ethics Code of Poznan University of Medical Sciences contains moral norms, best practices and basic principles, which, by their nature, do not require justification, to be followed by students in the academic community, as well as in their future social and professional life.

Promoting and observing the Code is the responsibility of every Student and results from the awareness of the importance of observing moral principles and ethical standards in order to achieve the highest academic standards for building a civil society.

The Code is not a mere set of prohibitions and obligations, but it is also a determinant of universal values. The conduct of the Student should bring pride and strengthen the good name of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

I. General Provisions

§ 1

The principles of the Student’s Ethics Code of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, hereinafter referred to as the Code, result from generally accepted moral norms and, in particular, from norms relevant to the ethics of academic education.

§ 2

The English Programs’ Student Union is required to familiarize Students with the principles of the Code and to disseminate them in the academic environment. If necessary, each Student should stand up for these rules.

§ 3

The Student should not participate in any ventures that degrade his or her dignity or the dignity of others, as well as undertake actions that may harm his or her good name or the good name of the academic community or the University.

§ 4

It is the Student’s duty to show respect for the University, expressed, among others, in the vows, as well as in caring for the University’s good name and promoting a good image of the University and its achievements.

§ 5

The Student’s duty is to abide by the obligations imposed on him or her by the Law on Higher Education and the School Regulations of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, and to respect the University’s property and public property.
The Student should show concern for the technical efficiency and aesthetics of the available resources.

§ 6

The following shall be considered particularly reprehensible:
destroying the University property, including didactic rooms, student dormitories and their equipment,
other manifestations of vandalism, both on University premises and elsewhere.
The violation of ethical standards set out in the Code for obtaining benefits is considered particularly reprehensible.


II. Student’s Rights

§ 7

The Student has the right to deepen his or her knowledge and improve his or her skills by taking an active part in classes provided for in the study program, as well as in extracurricular activities and scientific conferences.

§ 8

Moreover, the Student has the right to:
1) equal and proper treatment,
2) fair assessment of his or her knowledge and work effects,
3) respect for the rights granted to him or her by the Law on Higher Education and the School Regulations of Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
4) cooperation with people associated with the University in order to improve its functioning and taking actions enabling the development of the academic community. The Student can achieve this by completing student internships, being a member of scientific associations, supporting the activities of the English Programs’ Student Union and actively participating in student organizations.

III. Student’s Obligations

§ 9

Throughout the whole period of education, the student should thoroughly, conscientiously and persistently acquire knowledge and skills, as well as professional qualifications. The student should strive for self-improvement, using the knowledge and experience of academic teachers and assistance provided by the University

§ 10

The student should honestly and reliably perform his or her duties which include, among others, obtaining credits for subjects, preparing final papers and diploma theses, as well as fulfilling all obligations towards the University by observing the set deadlines.

§ 11

The Student, both before and after graduation, should care for the University’s good name and use the acquired knowledge and skills for the common good.

§ 12

The student should discuss patient information only with medical personnel involved in the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the Student should avoid private conversations in the presence of patients.


IV. Academic Community

§ 13

Bearing in mind every person’s right to be treated with dignity, the Student should be guided by honesty and decency in his or her actions,

observe the rules of good manners and academic customs and represent a high level of personal culture in contact with other people. In contact with patients and their families, the Student should act with tact and empathy.

§ 14

The Student should base relations with other students on respect, kindness, solidarity, loyalty and cooperation. In this way, the Students contribute to the formation of the academic community of the University. A particular violation of these principles are all manifestations of mobbing, harassment and stalking.

§ 15

The Student should support other students in learning, help them in adapting to the conditions of academic life, as well as in learning about and observing the rules prevailing at the University.

§ 16

The Student should show respect towards academic teachers and other employees of the University with his or her attitude and conduct. The following shall be considered particularly reprehensible:
1) repeated and unjustified lack of punctuality,
2) interfering with the course of didactic classes,
3) insulting or disrespectful attitude towards academic teachers, other University employees and other students.

§ 17

The Student’s appearance and dress should express his or her respect for teachers and other students, medical staff and patients with whom the Student comes in contact with. During the designated training, the Student is required to use appropriate protective clothing. For exams, the Student should dress elegantly.

§ 18

The Student should always be responsible for his or her actions and face the negative consequences of his or her own behavior.

§ 19

The Student must not discriminate anyone on grounds of race, nationality, religion, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation. The Student should respect different beliefs and views and use freedom of speech with caution.

§ 20

The Student should oppose all manifestations of evil, aggression and social pathology, as well as dishonest and unethical behavior. The Student should counteract negative phenomena in the academic life.

V. Unethical and Reprehensible Behavior

§ 21

The Students should be guided by honesty in all their actions. The following shall be considered particularly unethical:
1) having other people write the Student’s term papers and other papers,
2) any dishonest behavior aimed at distorting the result of the exam and other forms of verification of knowledge, other than those allowed by the examiner,
3) non-observance of intellectual property rights, use of other people’s materials in the diploma thesis without giving their author,
4) impersonating another person,
5) the abuse of family relationships, personal relationships and protection,
6) the use of private contacts and personal relations with employees of the University,
7) efforts made to obtain undue benefits from the University.

§ 22

Falsifying any signature, stamp or document and the use of such a document is unethical and constitutes a crime.

§ 23

The students are not allowed to record audio and video media on the University premises and distribute materials obtained from teachers outside the University without the consent of the teacher. This prohibition applies strictly during clinical classes with the participation of patients treated in the unit in which the classes are held.

Disciplinary responsibility of students

Students are subject to disciplinary liability for any breach of the regulations binding at the University, and their wrongful conduct.

In the event that these regulations are violated, a disciplinary and appeal committee consisting of University teachers and students is created. The procedure is specified in the University Statutes.

Any student may submit a notice of violation of school regulations against a student, or provide reasonable suspicion of committing an act demeaning students’ dignity. The notice can be submitted to the Rector of Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

Upon receipt of notice of an alleged disciplinary offence by a student, the Rector may:

  1. refer the case to the students’ disciplinary commissioner to initiate explanatory proceedings. The students’ disciplinary commissioner can stop the proceedings or request a penalty from the disciplinary committee. The students’ disciplinary commissioner may also apply to the Rector for an admonition.
  2. impose an admonition on the student for minor offences after a prior hearing of the student or their defense counsel.

According to Article 308 of the Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e., Journal of Laws 2020.85, as amended), the Disciplinary Committee may impose a penalty of:

  1. An admonition (written warning),
  2. A reprimand,
  3. A reprimand with a warning,
  4. A suspension of the student from the university for up to one year,
  5. Expulsion from the University.

Regulations regarding disciplinary proceedings for students are prescribed in articles 307-321 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.

The disciplinary process at PUMS is also described in more detail in HASA Protocol

Additional details are specified in: