In addition to sending application documents, candidates to the English-language Programs are required to attend an entrance examination/interview with the University representatives.


Science quiz & interview in natural sciences

Applicants for the MD and DDS programs are required to take an internal, one-best-answer, 60-question quiz in natural sciences.



„Permitted Aids” Section below specifies rules for online tests.

The following criteria will be taken into account:

  • knowledge and reasoning in the natural sciences with the main focus on the human body,
  • self-introduction/motivation/interpersonal skills/professionalism,
  • voluntary work/experience in health services,
  • English language proficiency.

PUMS entrance examination for medicine and dentistry is comprised of 2 parts: written science quiz and oral examination/interview with professors from the school.

Written science quiz – 60’

The quiz will be administered via the school’s distance learning platform OLAT at . Login credentials are the same as for self-assessment quizzes available from your on-line application.

In order to make sure that the exam is secure we will be using additional on-line proctoring software called Proctor Exam.

Oral examination ~ 20-40′

This part will be administered with the use of Microsoft Teams software as a videoconference between you and our professors. Video and audio connection will be required – so please allow for your device and the app to use your microphone and camera. A link to join the meeting will be e-mailed to you in advance. A paid Teams account is not required – you can access the meeting from your browser or MS Teams client – clicking on the invitation link will guide you through this.

Please have your official photo ID document (passport or national ID) ready for both parts.

On-line examination sessions in 2024:
All times given in Polish time zone – Central European Time CET

Session 1

Friday, January 26 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, January 27 starting from 3pm.

Session 2

Friday, February 23 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, February 24 starting from 3pm.

Session 3

Friday, March 22 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, March 23 starting from 3pm.

Session 4

Friday, April 19 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, April 20 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, April 21 starting from 9am.

Session 5
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, May 10 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, May 11 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, May 12 starting from 9am.

Session 6
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, May 24 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, May 25 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, May 26 starting from 9am.

Session 7
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, June 7 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, June 8 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, June 9 starting from 9am.

Session 8
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, June 21 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, June 22 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, June 23 starting from 9am.

Session 9
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, July 5 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, July 6 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, July 7 starting from 9am.

Session 10
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, July 19 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, July 20 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, July 21 starting from 9am.

Session 11
Applicants who will require a study visa are encouraged to sign up to earlier sessions to allow 2-3 months for visa application and processing in case of admission. First classes start in the beginning of September.


Friday, August 2 at 3pm,

Interview sessions:

Saturday, August 3 starting from 3pm,

Sunday, August 4 starting from 9am.



Study and review the following topics in biology, chemistry and physics on high school leaving level: Click to open file

The recommended books covering this material are:

  • Chemistry. An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. Pearson Education,
  • Biology. Neil A Campbell Jane B Reece,
  • D.C. Giancoli, Physics, Principles with applications.

Practice quizzes are available to every aplicant via our on-line application portal after paying the processing fee of 85 PLN. Each time you load up the quiz it randomly draws questions from a large pool of our old exam questions.

Only the following aids are allowed:

Please add the above links to Chrome browser bookmarks. You will only be permitted to visit the testing page, as well as these three links listed above in your browser once the exam starts. Any other browser addresses or app use are prohibited – will be noted and will be reason to end exam with a fail result.

The following actions are prohibited during an examination session and will be reason to end exam with a fail result:

  • using any extra electronic devices or headphones (headphones are allowed only for the interview part),
  • using books, notes or other written aids,
  • talking or singing (written part),
  • leaving the monitored area (no toilet breaks are allowed),
  • browsing internet for non-authorized pages or using any other apps beside chrome browser on your computer,
  • presence of anyone else in the room,
  • any form of screen capture, recording or copying the contents of the test or interview.

  •  Check the exact time and date of your exam and interview in your time zone and save the date.
  •  Make sure in advance that you have what you need for the exam:

-a well-lit room where you can take the exam alone without disturbances,

-a desktop computer or laptop with functioning camera and microphone with strong internet connection,

-a smartphone or tablet with a functioning camera that will need a wi-fi connection,

-for the quiz you will also need chrome browser installed on your computer  – during the pre-test check your browser will download the Proctor Exam addon, and your smartphone/tablet will download the Proctor Exam app,

-for the interview you will need to connect to a Microsoft Teams meeting (teleconference) using a link we will provide – this will require either using your internet browser or downloading free MS Teams client app – registering an account there will not be necessary.

1) In case of technical problems during Proctor Exam session, please use the “Tech support” feature available in the bottom-right corner of your exam screen.

2) For problems logging in to University OLAT platform, please e-mail

3) If for some well grounded reason you are unable to continue with the test, please get in contact with us at to reschedule your exam.

4) In case of emergency (e.g. being unable to connect on time for your interview or OLAT account), please message our whatsapp admissions coordinator at +48 609 031 274.

By taking this on-line examination, you give your consent to the following:

The on-line proctoring service ProctorExam and Poznan University of Medical Sciences will:

– Collect and store data including, but not limited to, examinee’s name, email, phone number, driver’s license, national ID or  passport, and photo, for the sole purpose of administering secure and fair on-line examinations.

– Take and store notes as to an examinee’s behavior observed during an exam.

– Record examinee’s actions and behavior via webcam and screen capture technology (such recordings will be stored on secured servers).

In case there are no incidents and irregularities reported, examinees’ personal data, including all back-ups of personal data, will be deleted within a week after their test administration. In case of a breach of security the above mentioned data will be stored until the issue reported is handled, but no later than by the end of the application process at PUMS for respective academic year.

If your examination session was disqualified due to an apparent infringement of the regulations resulting in a fail grade, you have the right to appeal the decision and add your explanations to the issue on the third working day from the date of the examination at the latest by e-mail to Each appeal will be reviewed together with the recording of your examination session, and reassessed. You will receive a final judgment on the issue within one week.